Auschwitz Survivor Michael Bornstein and his daughter,
Debbie Bornstein Holinstat, Return to Iowa
September 15th & September 16th
Debbie Bornstein Holinstat, Return to Iowa
September 15th & September 16th
In 2018, Michael Bornstein and his daughter, Debbie Bornstein Holinstate, were the guest speakers at the Community Yom HaShoah Service, courtesy of the Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund. Michael Bornstein is one of the youngest survivors of the Auschwitz, and with his daughter, wrote the best seller Survivors Club: The True Story of a Very Young Prisoner of Auschwitz. Michael and Debbie return to Iowa, courtesy of the Iowa Jewish Historical Society, and will speak September 15th at Valley High School in West Des Moines and at Ames Middle School, Ames, Iowa on September 16th. Both presentations are open and free to the public.
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Bornstein Returns to Iowa
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