The Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter of Hadassah sponsors various events, such as our Tu B’Shevat Seder and the monthly book club at Temple Judah. Our book club meets approximately every 6 weeks. Books are chosen by those attending, with the only requirement being that there is some Jewish connection. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you have not read the book. Hadassah membership is not required. Check our Events Calendar for the next book club event!
You can support Hadassah by becoming a member of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter, by attending an event, or by donating. When you support Hadassah’s mission, it makes a difference in the lives of those around the world and in your own community.
Upcoming Hadassah Events for the
Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter
Book Group & Coffee
October 9, 2024, 7:00 pm
All My Mother’s Lovers by Illana Masad
Everyone is welcome.
To become involved in Hadassah at Temple Judah,
contact one of the officers below:
Hadassah Officers
Becky Bunting
Nancy Margulis
Becky Bunting
Youth Aliyah Chair
Amy Heeren
Book Group Chair
Nancy Margulis