

hadassah_logo_detailThe Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter of Hadassah sponsors various events, such as our Tu B’Shevat Seder and the monthly book club at Temple Judah. Our book club meets approximately every 6 weeks. Books are chosen by those attending, with the only requirement being that there is some Jewish connection. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you have not read the book. Hadassah membership is not required. Check our Events Calendar for the next book club event!

joel_barnum-9945_cropped-for-new-websiteYou can support  Hadassah by becoming a member of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter, by attending an event, or by donating. When you support Hadassah’s mission, it makes a difference in the lives of those around the world and in your own community.


Upcoming Hadassah Events for the
Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter
Book Group & Coffee
October 9, 2024, 7:00 pm

All My Mother’s Lovers by Illana Masad
Everyone is welcome.

Ilana Masad’s debut nov­el begins with a phone call: Mag­gie Krause’s broth­er call­ing to tell her that their
moth­er, Iris, has died unex­pect­ed­ly at the age of six­ty-two. Mag­gie, at twen­ty-sev­en, has just begun to set­tle into a rela­tion­ship with a new girl­friend, has a steady job, and has been feel­ing close to the end of her youth­ful uncer­tain­ties. Her bud­ding self-con­fi­dence is shak­en by her mother’s death, par­tic­u­lar­ly by the five let­ters her moth­er left behind, addressed to men whose names Mag­gie has nev­er heard. Deter­mined to under­stand the moth­er who nev­er ful­ly accept­ed her sex­u­al­i­ty, Mag­gie sets off to deliv­er the let­ters in per­son and dis­cov­ers dimen­sions to her mother’s life that she nev­er imagined. Through her jour­ney to car­ry out Iris’s last wish,
Mag­gie dis­cov­ers also that there were parts of her mother’s life which, if not expressed through the well-defined and open­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed labels with which mil­len­ni­als are more com­fort­able than our par­ents, nev­er­the­less are more famil­iar than they are alien. Just as there were parts of Mag­gie that her moth­er nev­er seemed to under­stand, there are parts of her moth­er that Mag­gie nev­er under­stood — and parts that she under­stands bet­ter than she thought she ever would.

In some ways, every gen­er­a­tion needs to rein­vent the wheel in order to feel inde­pen­dent and capa­ble. But, whether com­mu­ni­cat­ing with our queer elders or with elders we would nev­er con­sid­er part of the queer
com­mu­ni­ty, it is impor­tant to under­stand that the things we hold most impor­tant are human, and though the words we use to describe expe­ri­ences may change, there is nev­er­the­less con­ti­nu­ity of human expe­ri­ence from one gen­er­a­tion to the next. All My Mother’s Lovers is a beau­ti­ful cel­e­bra­tion of this con­ti­nu­ity, and the val­ue of com­mu­ni­ca­tion across generations.

The meeting will be held in-person and over Zoom. If you have not attended in the past two months and would like the Zoom link, please contact Nancy Margulis. Current participants will automatically receive an invite.

To become involved in Hadassah at Temple Judah,
contact one of the officers below:

Hadassah Officers

Becky Bunting

Nancy Margulis

Becky Bunting

Youth Aliyah Chair
Amy Heeren

Book Group Chair
Nancy Margulis













