Coe Thursday Forum with Steve Feller

Steve Feller, B.D. Silliman Professor of Physics, will lead the Coe Thursday Forum on October 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th on three of Leon Uris’s historical and important novels, Mila 18, Exodus and Armageddon.

The first book to be discussed is Mila 18. This is an extremely moving account of the events that led to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943. It describes one of the most mismatched battles of history and it lasted over 40 days. The second book, a natural follow up to Mila 18 will be Exodus, the grand story of the founding of the State of Israel. It is a great historical and tragic account of the origin of the current situation in the Middle East. Along the way we will discuss much history from the 20th century. Exodus has sold more copies than Gone with the Wind! The reading and discussion of these fulsome books will take three weeks.

The last novel will be Armageddon. This is the true story of the Berlin Blockade and what led up to it. Written in the style of Mila 18 and Exodus it describes a key post World War II story of heroism and ultimate success.

Along the way we will watch the movie version of Exodus starring Paul Newman. Otto Preminger directed the movie. In all cases, we will take a critical look at the historical accuracy of these books keeping in mind that these are novels. The historical record provides another lens of viewing these events. Primary source material will be used. Much discussion will take place in the forum.

The format of the forum will be Steve’s usual one: A detailed review of each book, much historical details added in, and always open discussion. The novels are arranged in a logical order. Exodus will take two weeks and will need a Sunday viewing of that movie. A topical lunch will follow.

If the forum is willing and able, Steve will create a glorious dinner with an Israeli theme after the forum.

While participants are welcome to read the novels, outside reading is not necessary in order to attend and enjoy each session.

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