President’s April 2024 Column

“What a turnout and wonderful evening …”

My prognostication last month turned out to be true. I didn’t predict an NCAA winner, but I did write “… So, there is more cold weather yet to come!!” Five inches of snow a week ago was not a surprise — but my fruit trees did feel it. Most were already budding, so this may be a bleak year for picking fruit.

On a more positive note: I was so pleased by the turnout for the Purim service. It was such a big megillah (no pun intended!) Not only were the costumes unique, but I met Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Carl Esrkine. He was accompanied by Queen Esther. Also in attendance were 2 Hamans (boooo!), a few Mordechai’s (yeeeah), a bunch of Queen Esthers (ooooo), a couple of King Ahasuerus’s, some unknown characters, and the Rabbi’s shoes!

It has been a long time since the upper sanctuary has been filled to the brim with members (except High Holy Day services). The presentation put on by the students of Temple Judah’s Religious School was fantastic and it brought down the house! Bravo! It was nice to see so many students on the bima participating! They told the story of Purim and sang fun songs about the holiday! There were so many family members kvelling with nachas in the audience, too.

To top it off, the Rabbi did a wonderful job reading from the Megillah. Our congregation is blessed to have a real Megillah (along with so many Torahs). The Religious School staff needs to be commended for doing a great job with the students. As I sat and looked around, it brought a tear to my eyes as I reminisced how wonderful our Temple Judah family was years ago when we had many more members and so many children in Religious School. I remember the feeling of Temple Judah being an extension of our family. It’s really starting to feel like that again.

A big thank you to the Ritual Committee for providing plenty of salad and pizza, and to Laura Carson for supplying the delicious hamantaschen to top off a wonderful evening and performance.

I know I say this every month, but I want to thank all those who contribute behind the scenes in making Temple Judah continue to exist and thrive! The Purim service was a great example of how we can come together. Even though we are a small community we continue to be strong with our ties to our Temple Judah family. Come join us in prayer and contribute to keeping the flame alive and burning bright. Don’t sit on the outside, looking in. Donate, participate!!

Brian D. Cohen