President’s March 2024 Column

“Let’s all dress up and celebrate Purim …”

I have been enjoying the warm, record-breaking weather we have had the past few weeks of February, but know it is not March or April yet. So, there is more cold weather yet to come!! It really has been nice to get out and walk the dog without having to bundle up.

As we approach the holiday of Purim we are reminded of the true meaning of Purim. One of the most joyous holidays in the Jewish calendar, Purim commemorates the survival and tenacity of the Jewish people. It also reminds us to have the courage to stand up to injustice. Watching the current events in the Middle East, this surely has meaning for all Jewish people around the world. One can only pray for peace.

This past Sunday in the kitchen at Temple Judah, the Religious School students made hamantaschen, tricornered cookies representing the hat worn by Haman (boo!!!). Terri brought one home for me…so thanks to all who helped make them. (It was delicious). It is a blessing to see that Religious School is doing wonderful projects. I have fond memories of making hamantaschen with Tessa when she was young, and enjoying watching her celebrate Purim in a costume at the Purim carnival at Temple Judah. I think it would be fun to dress up in a costume for our Purim services this year.

I want to thank all those who contribute behind the scenes in making Temple Judah continue to exist and thrive! Among those, our Rabbi, Carolyn, Michael, Tony, and the members of Temple Judah’s Board of Directors. We are a small community but are strong with our ties to our Temple Judah family. Come join us in prayer and contribute to keeping the flame alive and burning bright. Don’t sit on the outside, looking in. Donate, participate!!

Brian D. Cohen