President’s June 2020 Column

As we prepare for the summer to soon begin many traditional themes may need to be altered given that we should still keep socially distant and vacation travel may not come to the top of your mind as in the past. Truly, we find ourselves in a completely different situation than a couple of months ago with restrictions lifting, while in truth, the circumstances that rightly kept us distance has not changed. I caution folks to assume the virus is still just as prevalent in our communities and all caution should be observed for those with any underling medical conditions.  

Cadence continues, the weather becomes hot and sticky and we soon complete another (fiscal) year of Temple Judah. In a few days our Annual Congregational Meeting will meet (via Zoom) while we reflect what has occurred and the plans for the future. As this area in our Bulletin is called the “President’s Column” I am reminded that a column is also a pillar of a structure. What are the pillars that this Temple stands upon? 

We have many “pillars of strength” to consider, such as a legacy that has blessed our treasury with endowment. We have a wonderful facility and Rabbi. This community has a can-do attitude even with our small footprint. Another strength that has become more apparent, of late, is resilience and adaptability. The list continues as we list all we are blessed with. 

I am interested to hear from you. What are our strengths as you see them? What are you grateful for within this Jewish community perspective? I hope to learn from you on this notion of gratitude during our upcoming Annual Meeting. What values do you draw personal pillars of strength from? While our foundation is grounded it is the pillars that allow us to rise towards the sky. 

Robert Becker