

hadassah_logo_detailThe Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter of Hadassah sponsors various events, such as our Tu B’Shevat Seder and the monthly book club at Temple Judah. Our book club meets approximately every 6 weeks. Books are chosen by those attending, with the only requirement being that there is some Jewish connection. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you have not read the book. Hadassah membership is not required. Check our Events Calendar for the next book club event!

joel_barnum-9945_cropped-for-new-websiteYou can support  Hadassah by becoming a member of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter, by attending an event, or by donating. When you support Hadassah’s mission, it makes a difference in the lives of those around the world and in your own community.


Upcoming Hadassah Events for the
Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter
Book Group & Coffee
May 1, 2024, 7:00 pm

The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz
Everyone is welcome.

Joan Skrag­gs, liv­ing a rough, hard­scrab­ble life on a Penn­syl­va­nia farm with an abu­sive father and unsym­pa­thet­ic broth­ers, aspires to a bet­ter life. She loves lan­guage and lit­er­a­ture, although her expo­sure to the fin­er points of each has been lim­it­ed and basic. When her cold, heart­less father tells her that her edu­ca­tion is at an end and burns her only books, the trea­sures of her soul, Joan runs away and lands for­tu­itous­ly at the home of a wealthy Jew­ish fam­i­ly as a maid, or as she styles it a “hired girl.” Sud­den­ly her vis­tas open and her life seems filled with adven­ture and pos­si­bil­i­ty. Joan’s spunky, car­ing and open per­son­al­i­ty make her a hero­ine to care deeply about as she pro­ceeds to grow from an une­d­u­cat­ed bump­kin with an avid curios­i­ty, roman­tic nature and kind heart into a refined young woman with a rich and pro­duc­tive life ahead. The Rosen­bachs, the Bal­ti­more Jew­ish fam­i­ly for whom she works, are well ensconced in the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty and the read­er, along with Joan, learns much about the Jew­ish soci­ety of the ear­ly 1900s in that part of the coun­try. The Rosen­bach fam­i­ly mem­bers are drawn by the author with care. Each fam­i­ly mem­ber has a set of very human flaws but there is great warmth, as well. They see spe­cial qual­i­ties in this young girl and each in his or her own way man­ages to help Joan over­come cir­cum­stances and the grow­ing pains of youth.

A quin­tes­sen­tial por­trait of Amer­i­ca and all it has stood for since its found­ing, this book encap­su­lates hope for the down­trod­den, the flu­id­i­ty of class in the New World, and the poten­tial for those with tal­ent and grit to rise above their hum­ble begin­nings and shine. But in spite of these lofty themes, this feels noth­ing like a trea­tise. It’s a fun book to read and a page-turn­er as the heroine’s quirky and charm­ing per­son­al­i­ty makes the read­er eager to see what her next escapade can pos­si­bly be.

The meeting will be held in-person and over Zoom. If you have not attended in the past two months and would like the Zoom link, please contact Nancy Margulis. Current participants will automatically receive an invite.

To become involved in Hadassah at Temple Judah,
contact one of the officers below:

Hadassah Officers

Becky Bunting

Nancy Margulis

Becky Bunting

Youth Aliyah Chair
Amy Heeren

Book Group Chair
Nancy Margulis













