“Every once in a while, you meet a special person in life …”
As some of you may know I spent 47 years in the production business. I started in film, made the transition to video tape, then to digital video. I went from working at TV stations to working in the production business doing corporate videos. Although the owner of the company I worked for might dispute this last sentence. He was passionate about our products and would take every opportunity to be involved in the final product. I always thought of myself as a creative person, but he taught me to balance creativity with the budget for a project. Because of this, I have a deep respect for him. I worked for his company (he won’t admit it but really for him) for almost 42 years and he treated my family like his family. I learned so much about life and grew up under his tutelage. One day I was walking down the street across from the Guaranty Bank building during lunch hour and Harold Becker was walking down the street on his cane and stopped me and asked me how I was doing. I said life was good and without batting an eye (if you knew Harold he had a sharp wit) he said … “Are you still working for that a_ _ hole?” We both laughed and I said it had been only over 35 years (at the time)! He patted me on the back and chuckled as he moved on. Because of this owner of the company I worked for and his mentoring, it led me on a path to become more involved in TJ.
At TJ, I have met a variety of people from a variety of walks of life. One such person owned a photography studio and he and his wife were doing weddings. He would call me and talk to me about editing video as he wanted to start branching out into providing video to his clients. We would talk for hours about what equipment to use and the best editing program to use. He was like a sponge, and it was fun for me to “consult” with someone who really wanted to produce a quality product. He did fantastic work, and he would show me some of his products from time to time. When I became president of TJ, I reached out to him to take some professional photos for the website, and he agreed. He was such a professional in his home studio and I had a lot of fun!! I was totally shocked to see that Steve Eckert passed away this past Tuesday. I shed a tear and all I could focus on was his wonderful smile! He was one of those special persons in life and he will be missed! Alav ha-shalom, may his soul be bound in the bond of life.
I mention this every month…but I really believe it! I always keep in the back of my mind that, as a member of Temple Judah, we are all one large family. We come together to celebrate wonderful occasions like Chanukah, Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, baby naming’s, conversions, high school graduations and marriages. But we also support those who are ill and sit shiva with our members who have lost loved ones.
Please join the Temple Judah family and do your part and contribute to keeping the flame alive and burning bright. Don’t sit on the outside, looking in. Participate!!
Brian D. Cohen