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At Temple Judah we strive to create an environment that promotes a positive Jewish identity for our Religious School students from Preschool to 10th grade and beyond with ongoing adult education. We study Torah, Jewish history and holidays, the synagogue, God, life cycle and Jewish ethics and community action.
Engage in some Jewish study on a daily or weekly basis. Make sure you extract something from your next study session that has an impact on your daily behavior.
– Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
Teaching Our Children
Various programs including Hebrew Program, Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation, Youth Scholarship and others.
At Temple Judah we strive to create an environment that promotes a positive Jewish identity for our Religious School students from Preschool through 10th grade. We study Torah, Jewish history and holidays, the synagogue, God, life cycle and Jewish ethics and community action.
Our Hebrew program develops students’ ability to read, translate and write Hebrew and understand Torah in preparation for becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Our Hebrew program is a prayer-based program. It is designed to help our students be able to read and understand formal Hebrew, and also to read their Torah portion — without vowels. We also have a music program designed to teach prayers and melodies heard in worship services.
Students who are within one year of their scheduled Bar/Bat Mitzvah date do not need to register for Midweek Hebrew. They will meet with the rabbi for individual tutoring in preparation for their ceremony. Please contact the rabbi directly to schedule these sessions.
B’nei Mitzvah Information
In addition to regular Religious School and Midweek Hebrew, students meet one-on-one with the rabbi 12 months prior to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Many youths chant their Torah and Haftarah portions and participate in the Friday night service as well as Saturday morning. During their Saturday morning service, they read and teach the congregation what their Haftarah portion means to them. Smaller can be better and with 2-4 B’nei Mitzvah a year, your child gets a quality, individualized Jewish education.
Camps “Where it is cool to be Jewish.”

Memories and friendships that last a lifetime. Goldman Union Camp, OSRUI, and NFTY in Israel are just a few of the programs offered by the Union for Reform Judaism family of camps and youth programs.

NFTY in Israel is one particularly exciting program in which your child joins other teens from Temple Judah and the U.S. Midwest on an adventure to explore the State of Israel. Tour guide educators help them develop a deeper understanding of their Jewish identity and the history of Israel. To learn more about NFTY in Israel, click here.
Youth Scholarship
The Temple Judah Youth Scholarship Program provides temple youths with partial funding for trips to Israel and Jewish camp experiences. For more information please contact the Temple office.
Youth Education Opportunities
Click below to register or apply. More information to come.
Reel Time with Rabbi Todd
Join Rabbi Todd’s class to discuss how Judaism, Jewish thought and Jewish values are embedded in the movies.
Watch the movies prior to class discussion. The February and March classes will discuss two wonderful movies about reality and God, The Truman Show and Stranger than Fiction. The April and May classes will discuss two difficult films about memory and suffering, Memento and A Serious Man.
Class will be held on the last Tuesday of the month at Temple at 7:00 pm on February 25, March 25, April 29, and May 27.
Contact Rabbi Todd or the Temple office to register.
See you at the movies!
Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund
The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund (THMF) was established in 1995 by Dr. David and Joan Thaler to provide support for education about the Holocaust to residents and students at area high schools and colleges in Eastern Iowa. THMF provides funding for academic courses about the Holocaust public speakers and other educational programs.