President’s September 2024 Column

The Times They Are A Changin’ …

I hope everybody has had a chance to stop by Temple Judah and view the beautiful Menorah at the front of the Shul. A menorah by the front doors…is Brian a little bit meshuggenah? I am aging, but there really is one there. It was built for safety purposes as part of our Homeland Security Grant. The columns are built to protect the front door from a drive-through with a vehicle, but it truly is a work of art. When Terri and I first looked at it while we walked up the steps to the front door, she wondered “…why one of the columns was taller than the others?” Well, the tallest column is the Shamash. If you look at the columns at an angle from the parking lot towards the front doors, it really looks just like a Menorah. The columns also have built in lighting for the steps, and support a handrail. We are blessed that all remodeling is being finished before the High Holy Days and are especially blessed we now have a handrail at the front steps. It is truly a wonderful addition to our outdoor changes. Make sure the next time you attend a service at Temple Judah, spend some time walking the grounds when you are here…it will be an enlightening and rewarding experience!! As we move closer to the new year, friends are asking me why our holidays are so late this year (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in October.) I am reminded of a line my Nanny (my grandmother Sadie) always used with her goyim friends. She would always say “…the Jewish calendar stays the same every year, it is your calendar that changes.” I would encourage all members to plan to attend services at Temple for the High Holy Days. We offer two different services (upstairs and downstairs) and welcome all who would like to attend and participate.

Each month I have thanked people for helping Temple Judah continue to thrive. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the Ritual Committee for their selfless work each month to keep our services going and provide an oneg at each of the services. Also, I would like to thank our treasurer, Michael Heeren, for his selfless work to make sure the budget always balances. He has slowed down his activities at Temple in pursuit of his doctorate. We wish him all the best.

I know, I know, I mention this every month…but I really believe it! I always keep in the back of my mind that, as a member of Temple Judah, we are all one large family. We come together to celebrate wonderful occasions like Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, baby naming’s, conversions, high school graduations and marriages. But we also support those who are ill and sit shiva with our members who have lost loved ones.

Please join the Temple Judah family and do your part and contribute to keeping the flame alive and burning bright. Don’t sit on the outside, looking in. Participate!!

Brian D. Cohen