“There is more to making those hot, delicious potato pancakes …”

It was so wonderful to see an overflow turnout for the Chanukah dinner last Sunday night. The Rabbi came up to Tony two times and asked him to add more tables and chairs. I was told to make Latkes for 36 people, so I had to run to the Hy Vee and get more potatoes. I am glad I did!

I started making Latkes after Don Novick passed away. I had worked with him for a few years on the Chanukah dinner and had watched him make the batter. He really took pride in the recipe and worked hard to keep the taste consistent. Since then, I have diligently tried to carry on his love for the Latke by continuing to use his original recipe. Before we begin cooking each year, we always have a toast in Don’s memory.  

As I began the preparation to make the Latkes, it worried me we were missing an integral cog in the Temple Judah Latke making machine, Dr. Steve Feller. He has been my Siamese twin at the hot oil pans for over 13 years and as I mixed up the batter, I felt a little sad and shed a tear. But, as I learned in the theatre, “…the show must go on!” So, I filled up the pans with oil, fired up the gas burners and Martin Copeland (another fellow Yankee fan who I asked to help) showed up. He also brought his son Mason who worked tirelessly taking the finished Latkes, arranging them on the pans to be put in the oven. Martin and I and Mason kibitzed as we produced the Latkes, and time flew by (150 Latkes later.) When we were finished cooking, Mason also ended up helping Tony with the fruit platter. A big thanks to the Copelands!

I mention this every month…but I really believe it! I always keep in the back of my mind that, as a member of Temple Judah, we are all one large family. We come together to celebrate wonderful occasions like Chanukah, Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, baby naming’s, conversions, high school graduations and marriages. But we also support those who are ill and sit shiva with our members who have lost loved ones.

Please join the Temple Judah family and do your part and contribute to keeping the flame alive and burning bright. Don’t sit on the outside, looking in. Participate!!

Brian D. Cohen