Rabbi’s October 2022 Column

Shalom All,

At the time that this bulletin goes out we will still find ourselves deep within the Days of Awe. The Cemetery service is this coming Sunday, and Yom Kippur services are Tuesday night and Wednesday next week. Following the High Holy days we will still need to build, decorate, and celebrate in our Sukkah and dance with our Torah scrolls on Simchat Torah. Finally, the rest of October will be filled with regular Shabbat Services, Religious School and Hebrew School. Clearly, we are in full swing, as they say, here at Temple. There’s a lot going on.

In addition to all of this, I want to point out a new class that we will be offering starting on November 1st. Mitchell Levin had this idea to teach a chapter by chapter study group based on the book “People Love Dead Jews,” by Dara Horn. The book deals with the very dark and difficult subject of anti-semitism, but I think you’ll find that she approaches it from a unique and sometimes quite funny perspective. I have no doubt it will lead to some interesting discussions. The book is now available in paperback so it should be fairly easy to get. Mitchell and I will be working together to lead this class. I expect we’ll meet every other Tuesday through the middle of April, but we’ll figure out some of these details at the first class – Tuesday, November 1st, 7pm.

I truly hope you’ll all be able to join us.

Shanah Tovah U’metukah,
May we be blessed with a good and sweet year.

Rabbi Todd